Thursday, October 14, 2010

Good Morning or at least it will be...

I actually set up this blog over a month ago and I decided that today is the perfect day to start posting and I'll tell you why.  Have you ever gotten up in the morning and your head was spinning?  Not because you had way too much fun the night before but because there was so much on your mind.  You started thinking about things that didn't get so well for you on yesterday, what's on your to-do list for today, and all these negative thoughts and feelings started to overcome you.  Well, that's exactly how my morning started and all I did was open my eyes and those thoughts had my mind spinning out of control.  I know I can't be the only one whose had a morning like this so I wanted to share some ideas on how to overcome the morning blues.

The first thing you must do is STOP!  Literally, don't take another step, don't think about anything, just STOP right where you are.  Close your eyes for a few seconds, take some deep breaths, and be still for a minute or two.  You will be amazed at how a moment of silence or even meditation can quiet a storm.  Because I tell you what, if you don't take this moment for yourself every morning you won't have the energy or patience for anyone else (including your mate, child, boss, whoever it may be).

Second, go look in the mirror, stare into your own eyes, and encourage yourself.  Tell yourself how great you are, how you've overcome some of the biggest obstacles, and speak aloud how you want your day to go.  It may sound silly but it is such a mood lifter and a confidence booster, don't be afraid to try it.

Last but not least, take a moment to get inspired.  Read an inspiring word, poem, or quote.  Or if you're more of a music lover, listen to your favorite song, turn it up really loud, sing and dance to it if you want (after all this is your moment).  My song of choice this morning was India Arie's "Private Party" and right now I feel on top of the world.

The day is what you make it, just because it starts off overwhelming don't let it get out of control.  Even if you can only do one of the ideas above, it's worth it to get your mind right and your thoughts moving in a positive direction.  We all have a purpose to fulfill here on Earth and the world needs YOU at your best.  With that, have a fabulous day:)


  1. I love this! I"m listening to "Privite Party" right now!
    The truth, as I see it, is that everything you think, say, and do is choice-and you don't need to think, speak, or act as you've done for your entire life. When you abandon making choices, you enter the vast world of excuses. I'm choosing to think speak and act from a place of gratitude and love today! Love you Lakia!

  2. Well said Tami, I completely agree, love you too!

  3. Love this Lakia! I always take my meditation moments in the morning while soaking in a nice warm tub of water. I quiet my mind for a few minutes and then I give thanks for all of my blessings, lessons learned, and I pray for those in need. It really helps me to begin my day with a positive foot forward! I love the advice about playing a favorite song and singing it out loud...I'll definitely have to try that one! Great blog post!


  4. Thanks Myisha, don't you just love meditating in a nice warm tub? That's usually how I end my day, and definitely praying for others in need makes you realize how blessed you truly are. Thanks Myisha!
