Monday, November 15, 2010

3 easy ways to reduce holiday stress

YIKES, Thanksgiving is next week....already? Geesh time seems to really fly by around this time of year.  Especially if you're the one having to prepare thanksgiving dinner, decorate your home, and host lots of relatives who will be coming to visit.  Talk about stress huh? Well, no need to worry here are a few easy tips you can start today to help reduce holiday stress and from looking like this...

1. JUST BREATHE AND EXHALE!!! Grab your pen and paper or your journal and write down at least 10 things you're thankful for.  Every morning I go into my office with my rosemary mint home fragrance oil, I read an inspiring word and write down what I'm grateful for at this very moment in my life.  This will help keep things in perspective and help you focus on what's most THANKS!

2. Instead of being Superwoman/Superman and trying to tackle everything yourself, enlist the help of family, friends, or even your children!  Turn up the music, give everyone a task they can handle, and enjoy some family bonding together.  This will create memories that will last a lifetime!  Or, as our family does, we take turns hosting Thanksgiving every year and we each bring our specialty dish (easy, yummy, and certainly stress-free for everyone)!

3. This is my favorite tip, becaues whenever you're stressed out or feeling down it always helps to GIVE BACK to someone else in need.  It could be a monetary gift, but think about how much more meaningful it would be for you and your family to take action.  Maybe you can all help feed the homeless, have a canned food drive (make it a fun contest with your family), or even invite a friend whose having a tough time to enjoy holiday dinner with your family.  Not only is giving back the right thing to do but there are also numerous health benefits to the giver as well (it's certainly a win-win for everyone)!

So take a load off this year, relax, spend quality time with the ones you love, and help bring a smile to someone else this year.  Please post your stress-free holiday tips as well, I'd love to read them and from my family to yours, have the Happiest Thanksgiving EVER!!!